Share your expertise on the focal topic:
Imaging the Invisible
Modern image sensors cover a much wider range of electromagnetic waves than the human eye - from gamma rays to terahertz waves. They can be significantly faster than the eye, capture the polarization state, cover many spectral channels, make material properties and surface shapes visible through the targeted use of lighting and capture not only electromagnetic radiation but also particle radiation and acoustic waves. The European Machine Vision Forum is therefore focusing on “Imaging the Invisible”. This includes image sensor technology, lighting, system optimization and evaluation methods.
You are invited to share your expertise and valuable contribution to this focal topic in person. In addition, we invite contributions on current research and development results in the field of machine vision. To actively contribute to the forum, please submit an extended abstract (1-2 pages) for
- Contributed talks (15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion)
- Posters with “1 min, 2 slides”-teaser before corresponding poster session
via this Application Form.
Contributions from companies as well as research institutions are welcomed at the forum. All submissions are openly reviewed by the joint Scientific and Industrial Program Committee of the forum.
Prof. Dr. Michael Heizmann, Director of the Institute of Industrial Information Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, and Chair of the European Machine Vision Forum will be pleased to welcome you to the 8th edition of EMVA’s ‘Research Meets Industry’ initiative.
Requested Submission Details
The extended abstract (1-2 pages PDF file) must include in the following order
- Title of contribution
- Authors and their affiliation
- Extended abstract, at least one page, at most two pages
(it may but need not include graphics, pictures, and references).